Taiwanese 3-cup chicken

Taiwanese 3-cup chicken

Sale price$8.90
Sold out

All good things comes in threes, even sauces. This mix of shaoxing, sesame oil and soy sauce can make almost anything you throw in there taste good.

*Hint: Don't skimp on the sesame oil.

Size:Single Portion
Cut:Chicken Thigh

Chicken Thighs: 120g
Fresh Shiitake Mushrooms: 30g
Spring Onions: 15g
Garlic: 15g
Ginger: 10g
Thai Basil: 10g
Mild Red Chillis: 5g
Dried Chillis: 1g

Sauce: 71ml
Water, Sesame Oil, Shaoxing Wine, Sugar (3g), Dark Soy Sauce, Light Soy Sauce

What to Expect

Effort Level: 1 Hat

Equipment Needed: Pan

Cooking Time: 7 minutes

Spice Level: Medium

Total Calories: 353 kcal