Steamed Kabocha Chicken

Steamed Kabocha Chicken

Sale price$7.90
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We usually roast, bake or boil our pumpkins (even carve it sometimes), but steaming it may just be the most underrated method of cooking it. Steaming keeps the flesh nice and delicate while letting the sweetness intensify under the gentle heat of the steam. Pair it with the crisp-ness of chayote and a rock star sauce and "diet food" has never tasted better
Cut:Chicken Thigh

Chicken Thighs: 150g
Pumpkin: 80g
Chayote: 60g
Shiitake Mushrooms: 30g

Marinade: 25ml
Oyster Sauce, Light Soy Sauce, Water, Sesame Oil, Sugar

What to Expect

Effort Level: 1 Hat

Equipment Needed: Steamer

Cooking Time: 10-15 minutes

Spice Level: Non-spicy