Ooey Gooey Marmite Steak

Ooey Gooey Marmite Steak

Sale price$10.90
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This may get a bit divisive... but trust us: a bit of honey and a dash of Worcestershire will transform this into the ultimate umami bomb. Add in a medley of peppers and some tender flank steak and your belly can thank us while you concentrate on fighting that post meal food coma.

Size:Single Portion
Meat:Beef Flank

Beef Flank: 120g
Red Peppers: 20g
Green Peppers: 20g
Orange Peppers: 20g
Spring Onions: 10g

Sauce: 47ml
Honey, Marmite, Liquid Smoke, Water, Light Soy Sauce, Worcestershire Sauce, Cornstarch

What to Expect

Effort Level: 1 Hat

Equipment Needed: Pan

Cooking Time: 3-5 minutes

Spice Level: No Spice

Total Calories: 296 kcal